Rudder pedals braking axis

This works - for any brand pedals. Found this tip a while back.


There is a way to better simulate differential braking in this sim without mods. You will still have to apply rudder to turn .. but with this method you can have the brakes in both pedals, so basically it will be right rudder right brakes.. left rudder left brakes.. still not true DB.. but much more immersive since you will have it assigned to each pedal. .

First off set your brakes to one or the other pedals in the Controls>HOTAS>Brakes section of the sim.

Now, by default in the sim you can only use one pedal of your rudder pedals for brakes.. because in the HOTAS section there is only one line for brakes.

When you set brakes using the HOTAS screen it will take either your left or right brake pedal. Which ever one you press when you go to load the HOTAS>Brakes section and it will be either Y axis or X axis.. depending on which rudder pedal you press.

On your pedals you will still have another axis... and you can fool the sim into reading the same command for both axii, the X & the Y. Here is how...

After you set one pedal in the HOTAS section go to:

C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\Users\Doe

With Doe being whatever name you have for your default pilot.. I did this on all the pilots in my users folder (I only have 2 & the default) since I am the only one who flies the sim and I want them all to be the same..

You may see 2 config files in there depending on whether or not you started a campaign. The settings file is the one you want to edit. That is where your stick settings are found.

That is the folder with your stick settings you want to back up so that in case you accidentally load the default stick settings, or if you have a HD crash... you can get whatever settings you had back without having to reprogram everything from scratch. Just drop your backed up copy of that file where t needs to go.

First off make sure that that folder is NOT set to Read Only, it should'nt be until AFTER you are done with this.

Once in the settings folder scroll down to the section that says:

[HotKey move]
JoystickDevice0 AXE_Y=elevator
AXE_RX JoystickDevice1=-trimrudder
AXE_RZ JoystickDevice2=rudder
AXE_U JoystickDevice1=-power
AXE_U JoystickDevice0=-pitch
AXE_V JoystickDevice1=trimelevator
AXE_X JoystickDevice0=aileron
AXE_Y JoystickDevice2=brakes

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