12.11.2009, 16:54
redko Wrote:hum :roll:Well I think to replace the original you will need to use the original static.ini. I do not think there is any way around this. I think that LAL_Rone did not only change the airfields, but also changed one or two buildings in the city areas - there were a lot of badly placed buildings on the original map, and I think he did some "tidying up".
In fact i was thinking for OkinawaV2 to put the original static instead of Lal_Rone one......You suggest 2 versions :roll: . Why not! The bad point would be to loose all the good work Lal did with the airfields.
Don't you see another solution, you think 2 version is the better one ?
For the version that uses LAL_Rone's static.ini (plus maybe some objects of yours) I think this should be the true "Redko Okinawa" map. Of course it is your decision, but I think once you have added your texture and height modifications, it is only a matter of adding the static.ini.
Of course, you could create just the one map based on LAL_Rone's, and leave instructions that to play older missions, the person has to remove the static.ini. The only problem here is how many people read instructions?