13.11.2009, 21:16
Hey, m8!
Check the sound tab in il2setup (the hammer and sickle icon in the main root folder) to see if it's set to 44000---if so, change it to 22050. This uses fewer resources BUT may cause problems with your sound pack or even cause a CTD at 60%.
If so, change it back and go to the conf.ini, change NoChatter=0 to =1. You'll have no AI radio audio or hud messages.
Others may have better ideas. I like AI voices when flying offline---gives me a chance to say "C'mon you maggats, you want to live forever?". LOL
Check the sound tab in il2setup (the hammer and sickle icon in the main root folder) to see if it's set to 44000---if so, change it to 22050. This uses fewer resources BUT may cause problems with your sound pack or even cause a CTD at 60%.
If so, change it back and go to the conf.ini, change NoChatter=0 to =1. You'll have no AI radio audio or hud messages.
Others may have better ideas. I like AI voices when flying offline---gives me a chance to say "C'mon you maggats, you want to live forever?". LOL