BumpH textures

Hi people :wink:

Just a quick question. I'm creating some bumph textures for my repainted maps. I looked at with many attention "Map building for beginners v3" and other topics here and on google but i don't find a answer.

It writen that to create a bumph texture, for exemple for a file called sand.tga, i tranform the file into grey scale and then invert it, and when it's done i just rename the file sand.BumpH......

But the thing is the extension remain tga after saving.

By comparing with Avala or Vikings maps, i see some bump files but they appear as bumph extension, instead of what mines doesn't look like that. they juste appear as sand.BumpH and as extention tga......

I'm doing something wrong or it's good.....i just rename the file BumpH and that's all.

I tested with photoshop 7 and gimp 2.

thanks for help :wink:

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