Source code? SFS file structure?

Hi all.
I was just wondering why no one ever includes the source for their mods/tools. I don't think anyone's planning to make any $$$ from this, so it seems a bit odd that there's never any source code, or even basic file structure info offered (as in .SFS). I may not be looking hard enough - in that case, apologies...
Since this forum is mod-oriented, it seems like a waste of time - so many people (like me) could be adding to the sim & making improvements on existing tools / mods, instead of re-inventing the wheel & learning stuff through trial & error.
HSFX v4 is out, which means that people have no problems in dealing with .SFS files, so ... what keeps them from sharin'? I know it can't be greed or EULA.
I just think it would be a win-win deal if people could build on existing info / code, *and* expand the modding possibilities, instead of blunderin' around on hex editors & scrounging for tidbits of info on the net. Just a thought.

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