Insstalling 4,09m , game loads and freeze at 95%

High every one !
I have obtained 4,09m from the italians Diavolirossi Site, same where you can obtain the Swordfish. :evil:
So far I haven't been able to operate it.
4,09m Internationale loads and freeze at 95%. Then again the older 4,09b1m worked easily and fine for me.
4,09m is a non beta and contains Avia534 and SM79 as flyables. Lot of new maps and objects.
Plus a lot new non-flyables which can be converted into flyables at the SAS site ex.: RE 2000, DXXI.
The download is about at least twice as big as the beta one.
I did a poste and was replied to the solution that I shoud try pacht it over a clean 4,08m. If it works, I will loose all my current mods !!!!
I will have to restart adding them back from scratch one by one; ouch,ouch ouch!!! Confusednipe:
However I have a question which is: HOW MUCH FREE MEMORY SPACE does the new 4,09m
needs to operate? I have an old 80GB computer with XP, and I can hardly maintain 18GB of free space.
Maybe thats is my problem? Any ideas ???
I tried patching up over various versions inluding soundmod 093, mod activator 5.2
and from 4,09b1m with same results: freezes at 95%. Not using any unis: huge downloads with a lot stuff I already have...
I have AC3.8, which makes matters worse like crashes at 60%. Tried all buttons including most recent from SAS.
I did not try yet the SAS mod activator. Also it is my intension to patch-in some mod-switcher. The one that I have from Arcade
indicates an 4,09m_sas. So at long last I may have to try downloading from there. It would fit this switcher. Dunno if all the good stuff
would still be in that download.

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