UP 1.8 vs UI 1.2


You are incorrect, look in your IL-2 folder and you will see 52 .SFS files the game is compressed and encoded into

HSFX people finally figured out how to take the loose files of mods and 'recompress' them into their appropiate .SFS file names .. the game seeks "loose" file names first, then the .SFS file that should have the file inside .. so the more 'loose' files in folders you have, the more work your computer does in finding a file(name)

So it takes more time to load the game, hurts framerates a bit and contributes to 'drawing' pauses to have ( GBs of ) loose files replacing a games compressed and encoded volume files

I used UI 1.x since my active return to IL-2 about 6 months ago, really like it and look foward to AAA's (apparently) working with HSFX to put out what we all appreciate about AAA community mods combined with 4.09m and compressed in .SFS files where practical to do so

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