03.12.2009, 18:22
Here are a few links,you will have to do a bit of reading as it is not an easy install.
If you follow these threads and read them the answers are there...
If you follow these threads and read them the answers are there...
asheshouse Wrote:Text changes required are to:
Chief.ini ---- Main Index listing
Ships.ini ---- Details of Big Ships
Stationary.ini --- Static Ships
Technics.ini ---- Details of Small Ships --- Similar function to Ships.ini but simpler layout for single mesh hulls.
Technics_ru.properties --- this was the one which was wrongly named in the original notes. The entries define what appears in the menus in FMB
asheshouse Wrote:There is an error in the readme file
This is what is provided:
5. If you are already using some of the files from STD folder than you need to add ShipPack entries to these files. To do so go to AddToIni folder where you will find following files.
-Ships.ini.txt -- copy content to the end of Il2/Mods/STD/com/Ships.ini
-Technics.ini.txt -- copy content to the end of Il2/Mods/STD/com/Technics.ini
-Chief.ini.txt -- copy content to the end of Il2/Mods/STD/com/Chief.ini
-Stationary.ini.txt -- copy content to the end of Il2/Mods/STD/com/Stationary
-Technics.properties.txt -- copy content to the end of Il2/Mods/STD/i18n/Technics.properties
It should read as follows:
5. If you are already using some of the files from STD folder than you need to add ShipPack entries to these files. To do so go to AddToIni folder where you will find following files.
-Ships.ini.txt -- copy content to the end of Il2/Mods/STD/com/Ships.ini
-Technics.ini.txt -- copy content to the end of Il2/Mods/STD/com/Technics.ini
-Chief.ini.txt -- copy content to the end of Il2/Mods/STD/com/Chief.ini
-Stationary.ini.txt -- copy content to the end of Il2/Mods/STD/com/Stationary
-Technics_ru.properties.txt -- copy content to the end of Il2/Mods/STD/i18n/technics_ru.properties
The technics_ru.properties file defines the text which appears in the drop down menus in FMB
The Add to ini folder should also refer to technics_ru.properties no technics.properties