Settings Advice for new machine???

haha, You have too much computer I fear. Tongue Im running win 7 64 and il2 on an FX-57 (if you remember what that is) and it runs fine. Make sure you are running it in win XP compatibility mode in administrator mode. I've tested it in both DirectX and OpenGL and while it runs in DirectX, the best visuals come in OpenGL as it was written specifically for it.

Others here will post links to the best conf.ini settings.

How is life in the fast lane? You enjoying multi-threaded awesomeness? I think I'm gonna wait until Oleg's next masterpiece is released before I make the plunge. I would hate to buy an i5 now only to discover I should have gotten an i9. Heck I get 60 fps with my FX-57 and GT-260.


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