Insstalling 4,09m , game loads and freeze at 95%

Buttons need to be delt with, and upgraded, YES. And always there after, unlest you stop to install mods.
More then that you need the proper activator: SAS 2.01; or possibly AC3,09 or greater. (They do not exist yet).

All clear for me: freezes95 are resolved by running activator SAS 2.01.
Butons will correct loading crashes... ... to nothingness. You dont have time to read %. May be it's 60 or 70, then gone.
However this type of crash is caused by one, or a couple of new mods, which are specifics, in this case new AI, new Flyables.
and it' s your inability to use these mods that makes the crash. Not the 4,09m itseft. Buttons must be upgraded with each
new modern mods, especially the very complex, big, new creatives ones. Unlikekly with older mods which uses Frankenstein
methods. If a new mod causes such crash, you may temporarily regain control of your IL2 by deactivating that mod.
Some deactivates if you remove their entry (line of text) in Air.ini. MAKE A COPY FIRST. Others with no lines in any ini.
are just a file in Mod; put a "-" in front their name. Ex. [Forgotten_Countries] becomes [-Forgotten_Countries]. Gone but not lost :? .
I think however that the New AI and Flyables are not mods as such. They just that: new AIs and Flyables. (I may be wrong there).
Therefore they could be an integrated part of the new 4.09m. which means that the whole patch acts has a New complex mod that,
you may be unable to operate.
You're toasted, unless you apply the needed BUTTONS as well. :-?

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