A map of Europe is it possible?

The bigger the map, the more memory it'll use and the longer the loading times. Just look at The Slot : a gigantic, relatively empty map, and it causes some issues on some machines. Canon actually spent quite a lot of time making sure his Channel objects wouldn't be too much of a burden on players' systems, then spent even more time populating the map, and it was not 1:1 and not covering such a huge area. Despite that, some people are still experiencing slowdowns...

You could technically make a completely barren map, with no autotrees, no roads, no buildings and simple flat textures to symbolise cities, but there wouldn't be much fun in that, would there ? It would only be useable by bombers as descending under a given altitude would destroy the 'magic'.

Each to their own I guess, but I'd rather have a set of smaller, populated maps to represent each time period/operation than one big - but empty - generic map.

Good luck to the 352nd in their endeavour, they're going to need it !



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