Better perfomance IL2FB.exe (2GB or more ram and 1GB ram )

thanks ,

i'm using Zoltan's one .... rnzoli rocks

works with freetrack just fine

posted by 3./JG51_Geist:

Quote:I found this post from Zoltan rnzoli on SEOW forum on a client side modified IL2FB.exe to run on 2gb of RAM:

If there is a suspicion that other maps also need extra large memory block for a 2-hour mission, the following simple test can be done:
1. Load a heavy mission on that map.
2. Start it and leave it running with AI aircraft only (no humans needed)
3. Periodically, e.g., every 15 minutes enter >GC into the chat line
4. In case the "total" value is nearing 100MB, the total IL-2 freeze is likely to occur due to hitting its own self-restraint limit. The other maps I tested can play around 50-80MB with no trouble at all, some shorter missions even stay in the low 25-50MB range.

It is hard to say, whether this is a memory leak fault or not. Guadalcanal is a large map, and I have seen memory reduction on other maps, as objects were being gradually removed (crashed, landed etc.) over time. So having a workaround is good enough for me, I don't want to chase the developers with this, especially when they solely focus on SoW:BoB nowadays.

Here's a link to the file:
Username: giap_all
password: giap

File is Zolatan IL2fb.exe. I've tested this modified client IL2FB.exe and i works great! I haven't had a lockup and much smoother game play the past 2 Forgotten skies missions Ive run on. Prior to it, I had several freezes and one total lockup. The only problem is, it does not support 6DOF.


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