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There is a lot of memory needed, some maps are realy huge in pixels and even huger in the zoom. Only way to prevent memory issues would be preventing the prog to load a to big file and creating zooms. I already had to limit the creating of the 4*zoom with the biggest maps, also not for memory issues on my rig, but because my programming language can't display images bigger than 8200 * 8200 pix. If there is a next version, i will also test if there is enough memory, if this is possible.

Scaling the maps down is a kind of solution, but you must be aware that the ed_m02.tga isn't smaller then the map_h.tga. If you size down the map_h.tga, shown distances will be wrong, because this is used for calculating the distance. The problem is, that the prog always must use a uncompressed 24 Bit version of the images and my programming language seems not to support memory swapping here.

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