America's Ace of Aces Campaign

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This is version 2.2 of America's Ace of Aces enhanced with video tracks. Hopefully the videos add to the historical feel and accuracy of this campaign following in the footsteps of America's greatest pilot and greatest plane.

Just over the Wisconsin border from Illinois is the most stolen sign in America. It reads Bong Recreation Area. 99% of the people you ask will have no idea who or what the area is named after.

It's a shame that the greatest fighter pilot America has ever produced is all but forgotten and his name has become a joke.

This is just my attempt to educate a small number of you as to the life and times of Richard Ira Bong, America's Ace of Aces. His record 40 kills in the Pacific Theater will never be surpassed. This unlikely farm boy from Poplar Wisconsin became a super star and then faded into the history books. He deserves more than 15 min of fame.

I have recreated all of Bong's successful missions. If you equal or surpass Bong's record with all the realism options turned on without do overs and without using the auto pilot you have accomplished a major feat and should be proud of your simulated flying skill.

This campaign is complex and requires a powerful computer and video card. It was done with IL2 1946 version 4.09.
Mission Bong29 (Rivals Together) is very complex. You might want to try out your computer on this one first if you plan on doing the campaign. I was having fun trying to make a realistic invasion scene and it got out of hand. Feel free to tone it down if you know how. Much of what is going on is not relevant to your mission as a pilot. Just invasion craft, bunkers, BB and CAs shelling each other etc. It's a hoot. Look around using the Cnt F2 command as I have placed some fixed cameras.

I have tried to recreate as accurately as possible the circumstances faced by Dick Bong in his 2 year onslaught of the Japanese armed forces. I have had to use different maps because many of the areas that Bong fought in are not represented in the game yet. Areas such as Northern New Guinea, Rabal, Borneo, the Philippine Islands of Negros, Mindoro and Leyte have not been modelled yet. I have found very similar areas on other maps that fit the bill however. By using the southern part of New Guinea I was able to recreate the Lae area farther to the north; by using the Singapore map I could recreate similar conditions to the Philippine islands etc. I think you will get the feel of the historical area and conditions.

The folder BongMissionTracks goes in the US folder that is in the Campaign folder that is in the Mission folder.

The P38J, P38L and P38L_Late folders go in the skins folder that is in the PaintSchemes folder.

Three books were instrumental in providing the historical facts for this endeavor...

Ace of Aces, The Dick Bong Story - Written by Carl Bong and Mike O'connor
Dear Mom So We Have A War by Carl Bong
Dick Bong Ace of Aces by Gen. George Kenney

I had unique access to these books being from Wisconsin. There are many quotes directly from Dick's letters home to his mother. They provide an extrodinary window as to the thoughts and concerns of a farm boy a long way from the farm but making the best of it.

Carl Bong is Dick Bong's brother and Gen. Kenney was Dick's commanding officer. I have copied major parts of the "descriptions" from these books. I am not a writer but I do know how to copy well. The first mission is from the Kokoda Campaign for Pacific Fighters by VBF_80 and the skins are all modifications of other people's painstaking work the most notable being "Marge" by Richard Mutt or RMutt. I couldn't have done this project without the jump start these artists provided.

I wish to apologize for the racial epithets used to describe the Japanese race. This was the language of the times and the quotes are verbatim. I'm sorry if they cause any discomfort. I do not mean to offend, just to be historically accurate with my quotes. Because of the 3 books mentioned I believe these missions to be very accurate, sans the proper maps of course. The conditions, land forms, forces encountered are as historically correct as can be created. Any additions or corrections would be appreciated.

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