[Map] TIB Andalucia 1.01 + patch!

This is a result of Team International Brigade's (AKA Laurell &Hardy, private joke. LOL) hard work.

It took almost 9 months to get this map at this stage. During mapmaking we have learned a good deal of mapmaking.
If you have allready downloaded the betaversion of this map, just download the map.
Download here:

This version has some minor bugs:

You might see some houses at water.
Gibratar airfields needs to be edited. (few plates are missing. Does not affect to playability).
Bridges are missing because of limitations in game engine. We will make updates ASAP.

[Image: 2712200910-44-40.jpg]
[Image: 2612200922-41-33.jpg]
[Image: 2712200910-42-30.jpg]
[Image: 2712200910-43-52.jpg]
[Image: 2712200910-44-40.jpg]
[Image: 2712200910-45-34.jpg]

Here is the installation instructions: Read them before doing anything!

BEFORE INSTALLING MAKE BACKUP COPIES OF static.ini and all.ini files.

1. ag_Andalucia

Put this folder in to \Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\MODS\MapMods\Maps

2.and add this line to all.ini txt file

ag_Andalucia ag_Andalucia/load.ini

3.You find also all the necessary textures that Agracier and others made easily.
Just paste ag folder to:

\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\MODS\MapMods\Maps\_Tex folder.

4.Then you will need Mod DLV_Egypt objects.inside Mod DLV_Egypt folder you find Add_to_static_ini.txt file copy all the content of that folder and paste it in to

Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\MODS\STD\com\maddox\il2\objects\static.ini

And that's about it. If you can't save mission you dont have all the objects include.
If map dont load at all, you don't have necessary textures.
Happy flying!
Team International Brigade!

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