UltraPack 2.0 or HSFX?

Good posts by Bbury and fly_zo on page 4 and Monguse doing his best to pour oil on troubled waters.

You can't just pick at a few FMs to change and leave the rest or even have them drag their feet for months or years, it would cripple the game and move it further from being a simulation than it is now.

I suspect that getting the balance right (yes, even in more up to date, more realsitic FMs and everything else that goes with the game) is one of the things that causes such a delay for SoW:BoB.

There's a lot of heat, feeling, ego and passion running through this thread but a game/simulation out of kilter due to partial or selective changes would be a disaster. Play about as much as you like off line, but if the on-line game is going to work effectively we need stability, consistency and some control. For example, what sense does it make to have two models of P51, close to eachother in RL, with significantly different FMs or DMs in the game? Fly it off-line for perfection if you like but don't throw the on-line game off-balance. In fact it's on-line where consistent FMs and DMs matter more than anywhere else as you want to be pitching against other people's skills without a sudden uber plane turning up. The FMs and DMs may not be perfect but that's why Oleg is developing the next generation.

The fact is I am so concerned about some of the inconsistencies in UP2.0 I would not feel comfortable flying in it even though it has some really nice advantages like the new .exe's. It does seem to me that HSFX offers more stability for on-line play.

It's a shame. I thought the mod community was coming together.

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