getting started (adding maps)

Can't say much about HSFX since I use UP2.0.

Normally new maps should have install instructions included. They are sometimes abbreviated so here is a general idea of how map installing with UP2.0 works.


On first install UP2.0 has a root folder called '-MODS'. You should first of all rename it to 'MODS' (delete the - is all it takes). This means you can now install new mods (maps count as a mod).

Go to the folder ...MODS/mapmods/maps/ ...

That is where the new map folders should be placed in their entirety. Here is an example as I shamelessly plug a map of my own.


Sometimes new maps come along with new textures, specifically made for that map. These textures need to be placed in the correct location. There should be explanations where to put these with install notes. In the case of the above map, the textures folder goes here:


A last thing to do is edit the all.ini file, which is located here:


This file lists all the maps that will be available for you in the FMB. You need to add a line to let the game know you've installed a new map. For this map, here is the necessary line.

ag_Cartagena ag_Cartagena/load.ini

ALL new maps should always include the necessary lines needed for the all.ini. This is a basic requirement for new maps.

That is about it really. All it involves is the copying of 2 folders to a correct location in your game folders and the minor editing of one file in a text editor. Nothing more. After a few installs you'll understand the procedure and be able to do it without instructions. The first time will be exciting and nerve wracking ... but fulfilling when you take to the sky in a new map. And there are loads to choose from.


Note that should you make a mistake in placement of a folder or editing the all.ini and subsequently correct it, you will need to restart the game before trying to load that map again. The game reads texture files and the all.ini on loading up. If you change them while the game is running, it will not find them and will refuse to load the map in question.

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