Help needed: understanding the IL2 .mat file


As my topic title says; I'm looking for help with IL2 .mat files.
What do the entries in the matfile mean?

  tfDoubleSide 0
  tfShouldSort 1
  tfGameTimer 1
  tfDropShadow 0
  Ambient 1.00
  Diffuse 1.00
  Specular 0.0
  SpecularPow 0
  Shine 0.0
  TextureName .tga
  Frame 0.0
  VisibleDistanceNear 0.0
  VisibleDistanceFar 10000.0
  //TextureCoordScale 0.0 0.0 78.0 1.0
  TextureCoordScale 0.0 0.0 16.0 1.0
  ColorScale 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
  tfWrapX 1
  tfWrapY 1
  tfMinLinear 1
  tfMagLinear 1
  tfMipMap 0
  tfBlend 1
  tfBlendAdd 0
  tfTestA 1
  tfTestZ 1
  tfNoWriteZ 1
  tfUpDateClear 0
  tfModulate 1
  tfNoTexture 0
  tfAnimatePalette 0
  tfAnimateSkippedFrames 1
  tfImageResident 0
  SubPictures 0
  tfCompressMajorAlpha      1
  tfNoCompress16Bit         1
  tfNoCompressARB           1
I have figured out a few, but I lack too much knowledge to effectively work with them.

Is there anyone who can help me out? Smile
Specifically i'm looking for the parts that set the scale of a texture attached to the .mat file and it's functionality. Smile

Thanks in advance,


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