Un-learned skill or what?

I've been flying in this game (95% of the time offline, mostly QMB) on and off since it came out, at first with external views on, but turned em off when I started getting more into the game and flying more seriously, about when Forgotten Battles came out.
It was then that I grown to like the Hurricane MKIIc. It was a perfect plane for a noob like me. It was hard to stall, turned great, had great guns. Speed was not much of an issue. I had a lot of good time flying that one. Then the Zero came out in some patch. I switched to it because it turned better, was faster, and had better armament. I remember the Jap campaign was the only one ive finished.
When I returned to the game after like a year of playing other stuff, I started learning to fly with 109. Until then I used to stall it when going slow, but when I learned it I was even better with it than I was with the Hurri or Zero. Mostly the G2 version.
Some time ago, I tried flying the hurricane 2c again, but I fail miserably. I remember taking on 4 ACE 109Gs in QMB and beating them all before I stopped flying the hurri. I dont know if they changed the AI or FMs or something, but I can't catch anyone. I can get kills only with a lucky head-on shot, or something. They just keep flying forward and escape, turn around and we get in a head on pass, where its 50-50. Same story with the Zeke, I used to pwn the AI mustangs, and now I hardly beat 1 of them.
Did they change the FMs or AI, or it is something in my head that changed from turn-fighting to energy fighting? It feels like the speed was not as important as it is in later versions of this game.
Got any advice for turn-fighting in current IL-2 version?

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