
bjgregory Wrote:
asheshouse Wrote:All the stock maps are 1:1
The modded maps can be taken as 1:1 unless they say otherwise in the notes.
1:1 maps include Malta, The Slot, Kapteenis Finland maps, and many others.
Maps which are not 1:1 include Canons Channel Map and the Central Med Map

Eh? Most of the stock maps are much smaller scale than they should be. Canon's Channel Map is definitely 1:1 if you don't use the beta version.

Confusedhock: Hmmm, don't know what you've been flying.

Isle of Wight = 36 km E-W : Canon's BoB map = 26 km.
Dover to Calais = 40 km : Canon's BoB map = 30 km.
It's 3/4 scale, more or less. The forthcoming 352nd Group version will be 1:1.

Plus, as has been said already, the 'geographically realistic' stock maps ARE 1:1. They might sometimes be inaccurate, but they're not scaled down.


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