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Tiger 33's Ultimate Sound Mod V2

Goblin Wrote:
rollnloop Wrote:Note:"Own aircraft sounds only": this feature, in order to still have external sounds working properly, has needed months of work on java classes from Tiger and his tech help. Almost every sound now has a different call when heard from inside our outside cockpit, aicraft on ground or airborne, low or high revs... for onliners, all this means SONAR IS GONE !!!!! Never again the aircraft you're approaching from low six will break when you're ready to fire BECAUSE PILOT HEARD YOU.

This is the reason why this soundmod deserves its "ultimate" prefix, no other soundmod offers this feature, that has been expected since IL2 first version was played online............

...But IRL WWII pilots COULD hear enemy engine/firing incoming definitely-- the only problem in IL2 is that people leave sound attenuation at too high level hearing that too distance. IRL WWII COULD HEARS at about 10 mt. enemy incoming engine or its firing guns.- the problem NOW is with that mod is simply reversed, not solved, as always the right solution would be in the middle: make external cockpit sounds enemy engine + firing guns perspective at less distance than the one that the conf.ini allow now attenuation= 1 or 2 as fix parameter and you are ready to go w/o any "sonar" response ingame Wink

What kind of aircraft do you fly in close formation ? I flew TB9s in -very- close formation, never heard anything.

I also flew this one ... orsale.jpg very close to that one ... H-1521.jpg, never heard anything.

In any case, with this soundmod, if your adversary uses it, he can use whatever attenuation he wants, he won't hear you at kill distance. I really hope this soundmod will become an online "standard" in the future, for this very reason.
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