No campaigns can generate in HSFX 4.1..Help please


I'm not using my own computer to answer, so I am not able to give the proper reference, but if you put your mouse pointer on any option in the JSGME a small text will appear with a summary explanation about this particular option.
Concerning the
the text will tell you it concern EnjoyR and pay add-ons
sorry I cannot give more details this time

@ Fighterace

sorry it didnt work.
I thought you already had seen this topic about the same problem and you needed a different solution
(The link is inoperative)
Check it, and see if it can help you

EDIT: I found the reference at
Dgen offline campaigns:-
These have been fully updated by Potenz, vtrelut, enjoyr, juri_js, ojcar and Dynamic campaigns by Boelcke: (integration of
commercial and user made campaigns). You have to have bought the user made material or you may hear a beep and it will not run.
Enable to play with HSFX.
There are a huge amount of skins available for the above but these are not included, you can get these from
Mission4Today website under enjoyr Dgen campaigns .

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