23.01.2010, 23:12
Thanks. For some reason, my FSX has not worked since I tried the IL2 quadrant software. Is there any chance the Program remains running unintentionally? In FSX, the aelerons are stuck right even though the yoke animates correctly. I've re-installed that game/accel pack without result.
Please don't read this as blaming this great little addition to IL2. I'm just a bit stumped. Once, the aerlerons unlocked while I was fooling with the quadrant toggles, but I can't repeat this.
Will try your corrections though. It worked well once in IL2 with HFSX diabled until I respawned (was hosting on-line dogfight just to test). Then it acted up in vanilla as well. I had not disabled the bombay door etc., so shame on me. Maybe that little mod stays in even with HFSX disabled (since it's in config?). On a positive note, it was very smooth and intuitive/immersive when it did work.
Please don't read this as blaming this great little addition to IL2. I'm just a bit stumped. Once, the aerlerons unlocked while I was fooling with the quadrant toggles, but I can't repeat this.
Will try your corrections though. It worked well once in IL2 with HFSX diabled until I respawned (was hosting on-line dogfight just to test). Then it acted up in vanilla as well. I had not disabled the bombay door etc., so shame on me. Maybe that little mod stays in even with HFSX disabled (since it's in config?). On a positive note, it was very smooth and intuitive/immersive when it did work.