Am I doing this right?

I just started my first attempt to make a skin for a plane and the main question I have is what format is the best quality when saving.
I chose to op for BMP due to the fact all the other skins I got with a mod were BMP so obviously that works, the main problem I'm having is the colour format.

The only one that seems to work so far is Indexed with only 255 colours, is this the best quality possible for custom plane skins? nothing I try works.
I have a much higher quality version saved so if/when I find the best way for this to work I can do that in the meantime I'm stuck with grainy looking colours.

Here is what I have done so far (It's Not finished).
Also if you would like tell me what you think of my first skin so far =P.

[Image: myfirstskinlol.jpg]

[Image: myfirstskinmod2.jpg]

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