SFS file list

J99Eingehirner Wrote:I posted this question in another thread a few days ago but didn't receive an answer; besides, I thought that not only I have this problem.

I like the SFS extractor but - if I need a specific file I have to open each and every SFS archive which takes a lot of time and look through all the files packed in it (which is not easy since they don't seem to follow ANY general rule). The SFS extractor is obviously able to see which files are present in a SFS archive - after all, it shows the file names. Can it be rewritten in a way that it creates a text file with all the (known) contents so that one only has to search these text files? Or did I miss something where someone already did this?

I would really appreciate an answer! It would make life so much easier...


If you know the name of the file or folder in a folder, then you can use Window Explorer Search box at the top of every open window. It will give you all the files by that name in the entire folder. For example, if you put all your IL-2 versions in one folder, then Windows Explorer will give all the files or folders of that name and indicate which IL-2 version for each. If you open the Computer window and open a disk, such as Disk: C, then all the files or folders of that name in the entire disk will be shown.

There are aftermarket, freeware indexers which will search, list, and allow organizing of files. However, after a while of digging into the IL-2 registry, many modders simply remember approximately where things are placed.

Some people keep indexes that they compiled of folders and files in IL-2, though this is rare. It would be a nice miracle if you could get one from someone.

I hope that this helps you. Smile

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