Multi-Throttle 4.0 (prop pitch, toe brakes, trim tweaking)

Kind of related, as much of the Multi-Throttle support had the G940 in mind:

G940 Manual Lights Controller
A program by myself, MikkOwl. ...


- Allows you to make each button change it's light when pressed, and set some details regarding how slow it should change, if there should be any transition light, and lets you have two profiles to choose between to keep you lights in syncronization with your aircraft in game.
- This program does NOT make your G940 button lights do anything other than what you tell them in this program, when you press the specific button in question. They can't know what goes on in the game you are in or anything to that extent.

It features two individual profiles you can switch between in game. Useful for example, when you want your landing gear in IL-2 to be red when up, and green when down. You set it to start as green as you typically fly from the runway, but online or in whatever situation, you can find yourself starting in the air. Thus having a second profile where everything is the same except you set your landing gear button to start as red instead (indicating gear up) lets you keep the button color in sync somewhat with what you want it to indicate from the game. Or whatever other functions you have in mind. Confusedmileyhappy:

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