FYI For those USing UP 2.0

There is a major bug in using 01_Zuti_DSMod_v1.12STD (stand alone).
Testing it in HSFX 4.1 the Mod works ok, except you can not use the
Tab key. So that means you can not use any of the things in there,
esp. the RRR function. However when I tested it in the UP 2.0m
(with the UP 2.0 patch) the major bug appears. One: after you select your
aircraft and weapons, and then hit fly, it takes you back to the arming.
Then when you hit fly again, it will take you into the game, when you
hit the Tab key, the game freezes every thing big time. The only way to
get out of the game is to reboot.
However testing the 01_Zuti_DSMod_v1.12_UP, it works great with
HSFX 4.1 and all the fucntion works. Have flown on line in HL with the
01_Zuti_DSMod_v1.13_UP, and every one was able to RRR after landing.
So just to let the community know that the 01_ZutiDSMods_v1.12STD
(stand alone) has major bugs in it.

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