Multi-Throttle 4.0 (prop pitch, toe brakes, trim tweaking)

Hello mikkowl,

many thanks for your work on this fine programm. But i have a little problem and hope you can help me.

I am using the Saitek Yoke, 2 Saitek quadrants, an Saitek pcdash and at least the Saitek pedals.

I used the joystickidentfier and these tools figured out:

Pedals are #2
Quarandt is #3

the quadrant for the throttles, typed all into the ini-file, but i the game always and only the pedals

were found, and i can throttle up the engines with the pedals like in a car. :???:

Every attempt to change the ini-file has no effect on it. What did i wrong?

I hope you can help, me


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