Strange network problem

For some reason after a wile (well a couple of hours) any web browser I'm using just stops working and shortly after this windows 7 will say that the router has lost connection to the internet, the strange thing is I can still have downloads going, get emails and can still play games online? This just happened again now and at the time I was downloading off steam and that carried on fine, even longed out and in again, but again FireFox and Internet Explorer do not want to work!!!. Theres nothing wrong with the router as it is still connected and other computers in the house can connect to the internet like normal.

The only way I can fix this is to restart the computer but I just can't under stand why this is happing, if connection is lost then nothing that needs a connection will work? Not some do, some don't! Any way, any one got any idea as why this could be happing, not a big pain as I said it takes wile for it to happen, but it just strange.

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