FreeTrack First Flight

marmusman Wrote:Thanks! Only 1 point? I guess you can't "zoom in" by moving your head closer. I use a 3 point headset and my Wii remote as the "camera." I think the 6DOF is where my shakiness comes from....need to tweek the slider bars better.

Maybe I should try the single point and then use the keyboard zoom to see if it is better. Might be worth testing.

Thanks alot!

I'm only using single point because I've yet to buy my 3 IR LEDs I only had 1 broken TV remote to use =P.

I'm just going to dupe my settings for 6dof so the same amount of turning still applies to pitch and yaw.

Also you should test if all your LEDs are being received correctly. Go into FreeTrack and go to the Cam Tab now move around to all the limits you would normally use when flying a plane, what you want to see is 3 Cross hairs always on the display. If their flickering in and out your movements will be jerky.

Things that cause this could be Point size is wrong so as the dots get to big/small they get canceled out as a viable tracking source.
If you have random cross hairs appearing all over the display your getting to much interference, to fix this try adjusting the threshold as high as you can so you can still see your dots and hopefully less background noise.

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