AC-47 gunship

The AC-47 I made was not created by anyones request. I didn't even know that other thread existed. I made it because I wanted to and to see if it would even work. As stated in that other thread, the small (7.62) caliber guns couldn't even destroy a truck from 2,500 feet up. I had to get a little creative , even with 40 and 60 rounds a second to kill trucks from 1,500 feet up. But it works.

As for requesting other planes from the 60's, what difference does it make what people request. When has any plane been made by request? You've seen how many requests are made every week. People scour books just to find a plane they haven't seen requested before just to be the first to post the request. Planes are only created by those that have the desire to make them. If someone is willing to put out the time and effort they can build whatever they want. Even an F4 Phantom.

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