Histomod Pack ( Pack Mod Corea 1.3)

I am the one who translated Freddy's Korea pack read-me from French (as you may know he is a "Froggie") to English, late at night because he wanted to release it as soon as possible, and I did pay attention to detail, at least as much as I could ...

So I spelt Korea the right way ... I am not that sure though, that given the late hour in the middle of the night, I did not make a mistake here or there ....

Will you all please accept my sincere apologies in advance, but like Freddy I am desperately French too ....

You cannot imagine for a second the amount of work included in his "Corea" pack .... that he released FOR FREE at 04.14 a.m one morning ....

My real concern is that if "we" go on whining or beeing fussy for such trifle detail we then will discourage skinners/modders who will then either keep their work for themselves or only share it with their squad mates ...

Please trust me that this post is in no way an attempt to be rude ... :lol:

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