A Bp_Midway Story [VIDEO]

Bombsaway Wrote:katdog5 , I love it. Thank you for making such cool vid. Keep it up. I think you'll go far with making IL2 vids. Thank you for the credit on my small part with the textures. I love the map. It was the BP_Midway map that inspired me to make my first good texture for. Please keep the vids coming. Great job. Big Grin

@dunkelgrun , Your map is really nice. I know you must have put alot of time in to it. Would you mind if I suggest a texture of mine for it for guys who would like to add it to your cool map? Its at the SAS.

[Image: 120820101-41-31.jpg]

Big Grin Please do. There's nearly always something that can be improved on any map. I've since seen quite a few things that I would have used myself, if they were available at the time.


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