17.02.2010, 18:46
Boosher Wrote:UP 2.0 does not have all of the objects required to run the TC_Hawaiian Islands map. A shame, but easily fixable. Add the objects that are not in it to your game and it'll run. There are still a few problems with the map, code-wise, but IMO it's one of the best maps we have.
If you have missing objects, then you can find out which ones those are with the following utility - the Universal Static.ini Checker. Run it and see which objects you may possibly be missing.
That said though, the original error message does appear more like a texture problem. You may be missing a texture or else you may have placed the map textures in a wrong location vis-a-vis the locations given in the map load.ini. One particular texture, 'fields_concrete_1.tga' is in a somewhat unusual location.
It needs to be here:
(please notice the spelling of 'hawaiifeild' - that is how it is in the download files - no big deal but do take note nonetheless)
When the map loads, or rather fails to load, hit + at the same time and see which 'ERROR' line you get near the bottom of your screen. Chances are it will say the game can't find a particular texture. It will give the name of that texture which might help you find the solution.