Freetrack & HSFX 6DOF How to please ?

There is an annoying occurrence when using the 6DOF mod. If you have disabled the gun sight view as was mentioned earlier you get all 6 degrees of freedom including the Z axis of moving your head forward and backwards. When doing this, however, if you move towards the TrackIr head (i am sure it is the same for the free track head) like when moving towards the cockpit control panel or towards the seat headrest when looking aft your view changes from the normal or even wide angle view to a zoomed in view with a 30 degree FOV. This usually occurs at the most inopportune time like when following a bandit. You can prevent this if you depress the * key on the number pad of your keyboard it brings up a menu for the 6DOF mod. If you choose to depress the 0 key on the number pad it deactivates the zoom and you can move your head smoothly in the cockpit without having your view jump to the zoomed in view 30 degree FOV.


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