Why Colored gunfire

The tracer colors are correct and historic, but in real life colors are not so intensive especially from larger distances.
In IL-2 the whole tracer system is kinda weird because for short range you got basically a 3d shape with a texture, for long range you got a (small) line being drawn from point A to B.
After a certain distance the swithch between these is automatic, but I was unable to increase it.
Theres a way to modify the short range tracers but I could not find a way to modify the long range ones.
So as a temporary solution I just colored each tracer white or yellow this way you get a more dramatic effect when somebody is shooting at you: http://www.filefront.com/12466302/vp_tracermod.zip/

If the white/yellow is too intensive you can open the file:
c:\Program Files\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\MODS\EFFECTS_tracers\3do\Effects\Tracers\Textures\circle.mat

and change the line

ColorScale 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0


ColorScale 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5

result is 50% transparency Smile


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