Making a MOD by copying files from a Combat flight sim

If it was that easy then I think those bright guys in this field would have discovered it by now. This approach can help with the basic model, but the meshes are often too detailed to be accepted by the game engine (or too simple to be of any use). Remember the basic model is only one of over 50 different meshes you need to create........ the levels of detail, collision, shadow, damage, etc for each piece.... and that is just the start.

Just look at the number of great models that never get beyond first base, and how long it takes for those that do.

There is no easy way to do this stuff, but if you want to try it then there are some really great guys here who will help.

It is only when you try to do this for yourself that you begin to genuinely appreciate the guys who do this for the community ... for free


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