Laptops and IL-2

Good day, bro

The Dell Latitude seems to be a great product line to consider after I looked more closely into it. Personally, I tend to prefer products by USA companies, but I do sometimes get non-USA products if it is vastly superior. The Latitude line of laptops has a bunch of options-wow!, and I'm impressed with that. Now you have me reconsidering Dell.

As you seem to already know, business laptops tend to be very lame when it comes to high powered gaming. With IL-2 and the coming Storm of War in a few months, you will need to look for DirectX 11 graphic cards which also are powerful and included in the laptop which you are considering.

In a couple months, NVIDIA will have their new line with DirectX 11 and the next generation PhysX techology. If you can wait, then I recommnend to keep looking until that time.

If you just can't wait to scratch your itch, then ATI has a bunch of great cards right now with DirectX 11. The upper 5000 series would do nicely, but of course get the best that you want to afford. Some guys are having driver issues with some of the ATI cards. This is only an issue for an agressive user and knowledgeable person to handle.

So, you are looking at what is available from Toshiba. By the way, since you seem to not mind overseas companies for laptops, look into the Sony line, too. Sony and Toshiba just might be the best business laptops in the world, but this doesn't mean that they could render IL-2 and Storm of War the best. Here is where you must pay close attention to the details.

By the way, I have read that there are plugged port replicators available. I don't use them yet, so I don't know the details.

ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5870

At the website from the link below this, look at the right of the page for the classes of gaming graphics cards. Especially, look at the Mobility Radeon HD 5870.

"At the time of announcement (Jan 2010) the 5870 paired with GDDR5 memory should be the fastest laptop GPU (except SLI/CF) available." My comment on this is that getting a Dell Latitude with ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5870 and GDDR5 memory would run IL-2 quite nicely, and likely Storm of War, too.

Here are the links:
My favorite website about laptop and notebook reviews:

Laptop, Notebook, and Graphic Cards Reviews - links to the reviews ... 883.0.html
(Notice the long list of laptops under review further down the page. Graphic cards reviewed in the list to the right-get DirectX 11!)

ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5870 with DirectX 11 for laptops Reviewed - "fastest laptop GPU" ( Jan 2010 ) ( other than SLI and Crossfire) ... 073.0.html

Dell Latitude Laptops
Dell Latitude E5500 15.4" Laptop ... l=en&s=bsd

AKA_Mountain, I hope that I helped. It was good of you to post your laptop quest issues in this topic-good thinking!

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