Someone interested in update ship pack shape for the IJN CV?

To delete a gun you need to deactivate the line in hier.him


//Mesh Head20_x
//Parent _ROOT_
//Attaching 0 1 -2.98e-008 -1 0 0 0 2.98e-008 1 22.7 7.9 11.545
//CollisionObject c98a
//Mesh Gun20_x
//Parent Head20_x
//Attaching 1 0 0 0 -1.629e-007 -1 4.85442e-015 1 -1.629e-007 -0.252828 0 0.638025

and also in ship.ini

//BaseChunk Head20_x
//strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_GunTiny

// gunBasedOnThisSection gun_Oerlikon20
// HeadMinYaw -80
// HeadMaxYaw 60
// GunHeadChunk Head20_x
// GunBarrelChunk Gun20_x
// GunShellStartHook ShellStart20

When you are happy that it is working you can delete the lines and the *.msh files

To rotate objects it is useful to use Kumpels Transformation Matrix Utility
(The link is inoperative)

Your example is the same as:

Mesh SSC
Parent _ROOT_
Attaching 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 28.945 -11.5135 22.7134
CollisionObject c54a
CollisionObject c55a
CollisionObject c56a
CollisionObject c57a
CollisionObject c58a
CollisionObject c59a
CollisionObject c60a

Mesh SSC_dmg
Parent _ROOT_
Attaching 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 28.945 -11.5135 22.7134
CollisionObject c54b
CollisionObject c55b
CollisionObject c56b
CollisionObject c57b
CollisionObject c58b
CollisionObject c59b
CollisionObject c60b

In the attaching line the first 9 numbers (3 groups of 3) are generated by Kumpels Utility.

1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 = Rot X = 0 Rot Y = 0 Rot Z = 0 Scale X = 1 Scale Y=1 Scale Z = 1

You want to apply Rot Z 90 or Rot Z -90

Either 0 -1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
or 0 1 0 -1 0 0 0 0 1

The last three numbers, the x y z coordinates, may change.
You may have to swap the x and y

I need to do a lot of trial and error when getting rotations correct.

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