Aircraft Request Library is closed in AAA and other is open

Hello everyone,

I must explain my situation of what is going on before ANY of you panic or anything like that. I no longer have time to maintain library for each community due to busy life with university. Because of my limited free time with multi-libraries management, I have to close this library in AAA, I am proud to learn how to be organize and keep all information, data and sources together on each aircraft of both historical and alternative historical aircraft which involves experimental, prototype, and document based (design aircraft that didn't make past prototype, designed officially by aeronautical engineers) together, equally.

However, my library is built in even better shape in SAS because I got alot of idea and implemented the upgrades and improvement in aircraft request library, thank to my great friends and SAS community. So I am letting everyone know that library is always open in SAS.

Chaoic out...

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