Still problems saving campaign missions

sc1949 Wrote:Hi Guys,

You are misunderstanding me. I mean that I am playing campaigns, with the difficulty set so it should continue if I'm killed etc, but even when I complete one or even up to 6 or 7 missions into the campaign, then leave, when I return to pilot career, it still has 0 missions completed, if it was a new campaign, or has not increased the number of missions from where I entered an older partly played campaign. Hope that is a bit clearer.

By the way, I have already made and released 3 campaigns. 2 set in WW1, and 1 for ME-410.

Thanks for your help

I had the same problem you are having. It never was fixed, until I did the Ultra Pack 2.0n thing. Now everything saves as it should, as well as a lot of other stuff seeming to be kinda better. By the way, my problems seemed to come from campaigns that used Canon's excellent new channel maps (FighterBoys, etc).

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