Spitfire Mk1 and F86

philip.ed Wrote:
Fireskull Wrote:
philip.ed Wrote:No, DM is right; when it suits him he can claim ownership, but when we had done that aaaaages ago he went mental claiming that once something is on the internet then it's free for anyone :roll: Or something along those lines.

I'm all for unification, but all idea of ownership need to go out of the window IMO Wink

I believe that it is still a moral obligation to ask for permission to alter a creative work when in doubt about permissions and also important to give credit to the creator(s). Stock IL-2 flight models are off limits, of course.

I quite agree, but considering the UP guys haven't been doing that (as far as I've been told anyway) then for unification it's probably easier to just drop ownership. In a perfect world, we'd be able to share our mods equally in the community without limiting them to certain sites or people. If we're all on the same song-sheet then things are easier. Wink

I want the ideal, but we'll see. Added to the mix is the issue of compatibility and fairnes of gameplay for online use. If one guy has a mod which another one does not, then there can easily be an unfairness.

For example, one user has a certain cloud mod and he can see you more often than you can see him because you have more cloud volumn in your cloud mod would be a big problem.

Another example is a gun smoke mod. ( :wink: ) One guy has it activated and another guy in the same squadron does not. Where is the fairness in that?

Issues of compatibility and fairness during gameplay are major themes for an IL-2 committee.

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