03.06.2010, 04:19
Hi Crazy G
Open with notepad TankDust.eff and modify values of color parameters. Color0 is initial color, and Color1 is final color. Values betwen 0-1 with 3 posible decimals. The 3 first values are Red, Green and Blue, and the last number is the opacity 0-1. If you want make a specified color, you can use the program Paint with the option "Colors->Modify Colors...->Setup personalized colors" using the numbers from right down corner and mutiplying them x4 in TankDust.eff (the result will be decimals).
Hope it helps
Open with notepad TankDust.eff and modify values of color parameters. Color0 is initial color, and Color1 is final color. Values betwen 0-1 with 3 posible decimals. The 3 first values are Red, Green and Blue, and the last number is the opacity 0-1. If you want make a specified color, you can use the program Paint with the option "Colors->Modify Colors...->Setup personalized colors" using the numbers from right down corner and mutiplying them x4 in TankDust.eff (the result will be decimals).
Hope it helps