It's time to say thanks

Hi, all there!
Well, this is my very first post, I've been around AAA for a time and I get really piss off with myself when the site closed for not been making any appreciative comment at all.
I've just landed here recently (great work in opening so fast this new site) so prior to anything else, a BIG THANKS to all involved in supporting this community, and all the people -modders or not- engaged in the "modding effort" for making it happen what just seemed imposible back in time. (Aaameeen)

For me, -as for many others I think- many of the mods keep improving more and more aspects of IL2 apart of the fun so, the interest on this sim keeps alive and kicking. And... if you're a little passionate for ww2 planes, Seeing new planes flying or even flying one of yours favorites reports a great satisfaction. So again, thanks!

And maybe it's time to give back something too.. in time
I began some time ago grabbing some references about different planes that I like and trying to test- modelling some of them just to learn the tricks
I'm just starting so by now my work is very early WIP and most of the models have some wrong things, or just placeholders, and are unoptimized yet, There's a lot of work to do and they are far from a finished model. Also I haven't much time to spent modelling so the progress should be rather slow. Anyway for me is just having fun with a learning experience and also trying to encourage others to try their hand in modelling some stuff. I'll post some screenshots just as soon as I learn how-to
Sorry about my english, cheers,


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