31.07.2010, 07:02
I get the crash with all/any campaign ie RAF and Lufwaffe
Thank you for the fast reply by the way
If it does load past 30% I get this error - INTERNAL ERROR : Material :Cant Load Gloss2d2.mat or another file in that catagorey.
Oh and I have these enabled in JSME - HSFX, Hakenkrus enabler, Immersive HUD, EFFECTS High, Perfect Map Textures, Widescreen.
Thank you for the fast reply by the way
If it does load past 30% I get this error - INTERNAL ERROR : Material :Cant Load Gloss2d2.mat or another file in that catagorey.
Oh and I have these enabled in JSME - HSFX, Hakenkrus enabler, Immersive HUD, EFFECTS High, Perfect Map Textures, Widescreen.