04.09.2010, 14:34
Porksmuggler Wrote:I do a lot of benchmarking, and the reason I ask is that this affinity is counter logical to thread management of the operating system. For instance, on a new i5 or i7 series CPU, the turbo mode kicks into higher multipliers for single threaded applications. The scheduler in Windows 7 or Vista will move the single thread around to balance load and temp on the 4 cores, all the while the CPU maintains the higher CPU clock. This processor affinity would interfere with this process. This all can be tested very simply with cpu-z and prime95 running a single thread. I understand your logic for moving the IL-2 thread off a core that the operating system is using for other apps, but this is not how current Intel CPUs with Windows 7 or Vista work in practice.
Hi, Porksmuggler
Isn't it true that the system can always over ride the Process Affinity as the system decides that it is needed? Factors such as those written by you can cause the system to place processing where needed. From what I have read, the re-allocation of processing as needed is the case in every system.