L-5 Sentinel Template rework

HH_Blaze and myself have decided to give the L-5 Sentinel a new template. We have started with the original template from Flakiten (?) and started the rework. I took on the internals and some external work and HH_Blaze is busy running new panel lines and such. The pics below are to show the work on the internals so far. Blaze is still working and has not got anything to show at this time. We do not know when this project will be complete so please be patient.

The original propeller was excellent, but lacked the weathering of field use and I gave it some field modification.
[Image: PropLogo.jpg]

The seats were completely blank, so with a few pieces from 334th_Buhli and some lap and shoulder belts I made, the seats were given a little personality. The glare shield also was given some attention. Also the sides of the cokpit were given some tubing for strength.
[Image: SeatMakeover.jpg]

Of course, the wing roots just couldn't be left alone.
[Image: wingrootplumbing.jpg]

The wings and horizontal stabs (Not shown here) needed some shadows to give that 3d look. You will have to look close, but the tires are now manufatured by DUNLOP.
[Image: DunlopTires.jpg]

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