SOW update 2010-10-1

SOW update 2010-10-1

"I promised to look for some erlier video, but there isn't recorded sound, so I wont post it.
However we did new screen shots.
Here is special screen shot to show asynchronized shooting. Its some answer for these who tried to identify something like a problem by single screenshot.
Now Italians attacking. Notice... pilot without helmet... that is one of situations...
Please take in account that the letters over old surface - this is bug at the moment, that isn't eliminated. But may be we will keep it as it is (weathering of digits-letters). "

Oleg Maddox

later that day...

"Some early video. Crew animation visible outside of aircraft. Glitches are present! This was recorded some couple of months ago to test how it looks in the video (not all frames smoothly grabbed by the program). Here are two merged scenes. One gunner is moving from bottom to top and then side gunner moved in bottom turret. "

Oleg Maddox

pictures for registered users and pessimistic discussions

pictures for everybody ... erspiele/#

The video that Oleg recorded some moths ago ... u_in_order

The clouds are back! and updated Smile

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