X-52 Profiler software Crashes.

Hi HH_Cipher,

I just copy everything I think that is important and may help you:
"Here’s a simple test to see if the programming is working – open the Profile Editor and click in the space under the word Trigger. You should get the flashing cursor so just press the letter A on the keyboard and then click the green tick on the right. Now click the Profile Now button at the top of the Profile Editor (it looks like a yellow crosshair on a black circle) and it will ask you to save the profile – just call it “test” and save it.

The controller icon that is next to your clock should now have a green background indicating that a profile is loaded so now click Start>Run and then press the trigger on your stick – the letter 'a' should be appearing in the run window each time you press the trigger. If it is then the programming is working fine; if it isn’t then, with the controller plugged in, open the System icon in Control Panel and then click Hardware at the top of the window that comes up and then click Device Manager. You will have a category at the bottom of the list here that is called Universal Serial Bus Controller. Click the plus sign next to it and tell me what it then says underneath it. Do the same for the following categories:

Sound, Video and Game Controllers
Other Devices
Human Interface Devices
Saitek Magic Bus

As for why you're seeing a blank profile editor, this is because the editor does not reflect the profile that is loaded into the stick. When you open the editor, it opens with a blank profile - just like when you open Microsoft Word and it starts you with a blank document. To see the programmed commands in the editor, you have to open the profile within the editor.

It doesn't matter where a profile is kept - they will run from anywhere on the PC, although they will only appear in the pop-up menu that you get when you right click the stick icon next to your clock if they are in your C:\Program Files\Saitek\Software directory.


First unplug your controller, click Start>Run and type

nx -Mu -Sk - or ny -7 (if this is not working - just carry on - Jambo)

(case sensitive) and click OK. Now go to Control Panel and run the Add/Remove Programs icon. Remove all Saitek entries in the list of programs and then go to the C:\Program Files directory and delete the Saitek folder. Restart your computer and the files will all be uninstalled.

Now browse to your C:\Windows\Inf folder (if you can't see an Inf folder then click Tools>Folder Options at the top of the window, then click View at the top of the window that comes up. In there click the dot next to the Show Hidden Files and Folders option and then click OK - you should now be able to find an Inf folder in the Windows directory) and look for the OEM0.inf file. Find the highest numbered OEMXX.inf file and double click on it - a Wordpad screen will open up with information in it. You're looking for any lines that refer to Saitek (usually at the top of the window). If you don't see any such info close that window and open the next OEMXX.inf file - so if you started on, say, OEM30.inf then you'd now open OEM29.inf.

If you find any that refer to us then close the window and delete that OEMXX.inf file along with its accompanying OEMXX.pnf file. Go through all of them until you have deleted any files that mention us.

Now do a search for files in Windows using the following search string:


Once it's finished finding any files delete them - files only though, don't delete any folders.
Restart the PC and then try reinstalling again.


Here's a list of the keys in the registry that the install will look to try and remove (but sometimes can't due to system specific problems).

Click Start>Run, type


and then click OK.

Click the plus sign next to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and then look for each of these folders (highlighted in bold at the end of each string) and delete them if you find any of them.

Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstal l\Saitek Gaming Extensions
Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstal l\{167E4A06-F407-11D3-95F5-0080AD910D79}
Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstal l\{1bfde623-95c2-40b4-ad14-224afc590dec}
Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstal l\{1d639238-eddf-4a28-8ad7-82744af5bc34}
Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstal l\{76da7051-7a5d-4bd7-9e05-7a4014d3e905}
Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstal l\{3a9e0e2f-b0d1-452b-b833-7a7300ea1231}
Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstal l\{90126b79-c0d2-41a5-86b2-2f6666c446b9}
Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstal l\{40B3A7BB-0D2C-4BC4-B7AA-C326A5793C21}
Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstal l\{03adca1c-bcf0-4b12-afcf-8ebf2cb3ab07}
Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstal l\{655ee3b7-0113-4c5e-b147-b82ba325643f}
Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVers ion\Uninstall\{655ee3b7-0113-4c5e-b147-b82ba325643f}
Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstal l\{DC431222-E2D0-4C4A-9438-52D4626202B3}
Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVers ion\Uninstall\{DC431222-E2D0-4C4A-9438-52D4626202B3}
Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstal l\{967FB80D-56BD-42EF-A942-9E8C78F984A4}
Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVers ion\Uninstall\{967FB80D-56BD-42EF-A942-9E8C78F984A4}

Once you've done that, you should be able to install with no trouble.

I have plugged my x52 stick into a different usb port and now it wont work."
"... same as the software forum post. I had the same problem, seems the drivers don't work correctly with Win7 x64. I had to write a .bat file to stop and restart the Saitek driver. Now I can unplug the stick, double-click the file, and plug it back in with full functionality.

@echo off
net stop "Saitek DirectOutput"
net start "Saitek DirectOutput"

Write it using notepad then save using "all files" to whatever you want to name it. (Saitek-Restart.bat)"


Hope there is a hint for you!? I'll carry on looking...

Good luck!

Jambo :wink:

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