Default Cockpits

Is there a link where I can download the default cockpits so I can place them into my Mods folder to override all of the cockpits that came with HSFX?.
The creators of some of these cockpits did a phenomenal job with the detail. My issue is that in many of the cockpits you look around and there are pin ups in various stages of attire that I would prefer not to have to view and we have no option to eliminate some of that detail.

My grandson was learning to play on our home LAN and jumped into the ventral gun position of an A-20. When he started looking around he looked just above the gun sight to see a bulkhead full of pin ups placed there. So I am willing to forgo all of the nice looking cockpits and keep all of the other mods in order to move forward with the game that my 8 year old grandson has shown an interest.

If there is no link of file with the default cockpits could someone tell me which .sfs files contain them so I can extract them and and place and create a mod file to place in the "Mods" folder.

Any help will be appreciated.


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